Brechin Quarry
Project Overview
LCP Quarry Limited (LCP), is applying for a Class A licence under the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) to permit a below the water table quarry on properties municipally known as 2440 Concession 1, 2530 Concession 1, 1506 Highway 12 and 1646 Highway 12, in the Township of Ramara. The area proposed to be licensed under the ARA is 151.4 hectares (ha) and the proposed extraction area is 91.5 ha. The entrance/exit is proposed to be from Concession Road 2, approximately 450 metres west of Highway 12 and the site is proposed to be permitted to ship a maximum annual limit of 2 million tonnes.
Proposal Summary
Aggregate extraction is an established use in the area and the site is identified for potential future extraction in the County of Simcoe and Township of Ramara Official Plans;
The County of Simcoe and Township of Ramara Official Plans identify the Subject Lands as being within a High Potential Mineral Aggregate Resource Area (HPMARA);
The site contains approximately 69 million tonnes of close to market high quality aggregate. The availability of aggregates close to market is important for economic, social and environmental reasons;
The proposed extraction area is predominantly fallow, underutilized land. The proposed extraction area contains areas of threatened and endangered species habitat, significant wildlife habitat, non significant woodlands, non significant wetlands, and fish habitat. Extraction within these features will occur in accordance with Provincial and Federal requirements;
The proposed rehabilitation plan and ecological enhancement plan includes an overall increase in natural cover on the properties and a net gain of natural systems within the study area;
Adjacent key natural heritage features and key hydrologic features will not be negatively impacted by the proposed quarry and will be maintained in the long-term based on the proposed rehabilitation plan;
No significant built heritage or significant cultural heritage landscapes are identified on or surrounding the proposed quarry;
With the exception of two archaeological sites, the balance of the subject lands do not contain archaeological resources. The two sites that contain cultural heritage value or interest will be conserved until a Stage 3 assessment is completed for these specific areas. One of the sites is located within the extraction limit while the other is located outside of the extraction
limit; -
The proposed quarry has been designed to minimize social impacts on surrounding sensitive receptors (noise, dust, blasting, water resources [i.e.,wells] and traffic); and
The proposed quarry has been designed to minimize impacts on surrounding agricultural uses and operations.
Proposed Site Map